R e v i e w s

Performing vision and stylistic culture, personality within the musical dramaturgy,
that is what the pianist Constantin Sandu has shown in his version of the three
masterpieces which impressed the public and were worthy of a deserved
Grigore Constantinescu eAZI.RO
Torrent of fire in a bed of granite (…), that is how also the presence of the pianist
Constantin Sandu in a splendorous recital could be depicted (…).
Prof. Dr. Mihaela Sanda Popescu MAGAZIN CRITIC
Outstanding artistic moment: Constantin Sandu playing three Sonatas by
Transilvania University of Brașov
He showed great respect of the composer's intention while making it his own
interpretation, raising the work to higher levels.
Guy Bacos
"À l’écoute de son disque (…), j’ai été séduite par des oeuvres (…), qu’il cisèle avec poésie et délicatesse. (…)
Qui a observé Constantin Sandu en train de jouer du Debussy, aura noté son toucher caressant, les doigts très à plat sur le clavier, comme pour combler le vœu de Claude de France : faire oublier que le piano a des marteaux. (…)
Même discernement, même délicatesse à l’œuvre dans la pédalisation de Constantin Sandu."
Les chroniques de Sylviane Falcinelli
"(...) Porto (où enseigne un magnifique pianiste roumain : Constantin Sandu, dont le beau disque – 2005 – consacré à cinq compositeurs portugais plus Enesco, a probablement peu franchi les frontières, ce qui est bien dommage)."
Les chroniques de Sylviane Falcinelli
"He is considered one of the best pianists who has ever lived in Portugal."
Vida Económica Magazine
"Constantin Sandu impressed the public with the elegance of phrasing and his really velvety touch. The artist accomplishes the legato with a great delicacy. (...)His sound was gold plated. (...)The accuracy of the articulation – a minutely dosed polishing, unostentatious, with a consequent rhythmical pulsation – also focusing on the sonorous detail contributed to the impression of musical beauty."
"(...) this recital of Constantin Sandu (...) was both a revelation and an enormous musical delight. (...) Constantin Sandu goes through the amazing paths of Liszt's scores with the undisturbed attitude of someone who is walking along a smooth road and who, simultaneously, extracts all the poetical expression which they enclose.
“Constantin Sandu is a consummate pianist, with a prodigious international career. Capable of mastering a great stylistic diversity, he has performed noteworthy versions of works by Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninov, Enescu, Gershwin, Albeniz.”
Tribuna – Romania, 16 January 11
“Sandu has the opportunity of showing his versatility as interpreter in the diptych Mozart/Fernandes, being the pieces as diverse as they are: and he confirms it widely.”
Notícias Sábado’ – Portugal, 08 Agosto 09
“(…) compositions of admirable magnitude, played with fascinating expression.
Jornal de Notícias – Portugal, 04 Fevereiro 06
“a superb pianist, dominating the legato, the pedal, the balance and the form (…) a masterful hue and delicacy (…) irreproachable mastery. Overwhelming”.
ABC – Spain, June 05
“Constantin Sandu’s approach is serious, respectful and objective, yet his sensitive personality helps him give a very personal though valid account of three of Beethoven’s best-known opuses: 53, 57 and 129.”
Piano Journal – United Kingdom, Spring 02
«Romanticism and the sense of colour». “a musician of an undoubted personality, (…) a magnificent sense of colour and rhythm, together with undeniable virtuosity (…)”
Diario de Sevilla – Spain, June 02
“In this recital it was possible to experience the music through the hands of a master, (…) in a resolute attitude of someone who wants to reach the essence of music itself.”
Voz de Lamego – Portugal, 27th September 01
“Showing the technical security and the maturity of a consummate pianist, Constantin Sandu gave us a concerto (Rachmaninov No. 2) full of expression and emotion. His personalized interpretation, to which an unusual intelligence in conducting the great expressive lines of the opus is no stranger, combined the right amount of temperament and lyricism (…).”
Público – Portugal, November 4th, 01
“The Romanian pianist, Constantin Sandu, (…) developing the different supreme variations of pianistic art, (…) with a repertoire only at the reach of the greatest virtuosi.”
Jornal de Notícias – Portugal, 14th October 00
“The pianist knew how to give the piano the symphonic dimension demanded by the situation (Tchaikovsky Concerto No. 1), displaying technical resources which were in accordance with the virtuosity of the piece (…)
Constantin Sandu has revealed once more, what he has shown before in his remarkable concert activity: security, musicality, lyricism, experience. Maturity.”
Público – Portugal, July 29th, 97
“Fantastic harmonies (…) sincerity, impulse and energy (…) surrender to the performance of the opus, perfect interpretation of the score.”
Huelva Informacion – Spain, August 26th, 95
“We felt like the privileged guests of the famous ‘schubertiades’. The delicate and deep playing, the almost immaterial sound carried the audience into a dimension of dream.”
Corriere Valsesiano – Italy, September 22nd, 95
"With the rigour of those who know, the passion of those who feel and the simplicity of the truly great."
Toural – Portugal, July 19th, 91
"Artistic maturity which is remarkable at all levels and which derives from the fact that, when sitting at the Piano, he does so with all the means within his reach, his whole intelligence and his whole heart at the service of the Work of Art and of the Author, which he proposes to unveil, overcoming himself and his circumstance."
Notícias de Guimarães – Portugal, July 19th, 91
"Constantin Sandu ravished the public with his performance at the Rojas Theatre (…) The Romanian pianist has shown that his hands are worth being exposed at an exhibition."
El dia de Toledo – Spain, November 90
"Perfect mastery of the technical means of expression, intelligence, persuasive power, discernment of the musical passages, as well as a perfectly unique sensitivity. One has witnessed an artistic performance of real excellence."
Muzica – Romania, February 85
"Constantin Sandu has left the image of a pianist of previously confirmed exceptional and powerful resources. In Rachmaninov’s concerto he dominated the Steinway as if it were a ‘4x4’, working sonority with master's hands."
L' Est Républicain – France, March 85
"A General leading his troops, the Bodensee Symphonic Orchestra."
L´Est Républicain – France, March 85
"Constantin Sandu - the pianist with a crystal timbre."
Informatia – Romania, December 85
"Constantin Sandu has revealed unique performing qualities for someone under 18: incisive and firm technique, vigorous and effective performance, as well as a doubtless refined taste."
Il monte rosa – Italy, April 82
"The Romanian pianist, Constantin Sandu, was the absolute leading figure at the Laureates' Gala; with his vibrating, intimate and passionate performance, he proved to possess an obvious talent as concert performer."
Corriere Valsesiano – Italy, September 81
"Constantin Sandu has excelled himself, particularly through his firm mastering technique, together with a distinguished artistic sensitivity and an admirable sense of musical architecture, as well as an equally important dominating polychromy of ‘nuance’, close to a delicate pictorial sense and musical poetics."
Informatia – Romania, October 14th, 81
"A new star has appeared on the horizon of music: Constantin Sandu."
Maria Golia, President of the Jury at the "Viotti-Valsesia" Competiton, Italy, September 81